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Financial Event Happening Now

Financial Event Happening Now

Market OverviewThe Federal Reserves unexpected rate cut has sparked debate and concern among analysts and investors. While the Fed cited progress in inflation reduction as the reason for the cut, many

Recensione 2024-09-20
Today's market analysis

Today's market analysis

  Gold prices advanced on Thursday after the Federal Reserve (Fed) embarked on an easing cycle with a 50-basis-point (bps) rate cut. Traders ignored the rise of US Treasury yields, which correlate inv

Recensione 2024-09-20
Fed’s Jumbo Rate Cut, Market Set To Rattle

Fed’s Jumbo Rate Cut, Market Set To Rattle

The Week Ahead: Week of 23 September (GMT+2)Feds Jumbo Rate Cut, Market Set To RattleMonday, 23 September 2024, 15:45US Manufacturing PMI (Sep) The SP Global US Manufacturing PMI was revised slightly

Notizia 2024-09-20
GTC Chief Analyst Jameel Ahmad Appears on FRANCE24 | Fed Prepares for First Rate Cut in Four Years

GTC Chief Analyst Jameel Ahmad Appears on FRANCE24 | Fed Prepares for First Rate Cut in Four Years

Summary: The Federal Reserve is expected to implement its first interest rate cut in four years, a decision that has captivated global markets and sparked debate over the scale of the cut. Jameel Ahma

Notizia 2024-09-19
AUS GLOBAL attended the party hosted by Donald J.Trump in Salt Lake City, Utah, USA

AUS GLOBAL attended the party hosted by Donald J.Trump in Salt Lake City, Utah, USA

Embracing the U.S. ElectionAs the U.S. election season approaches, AUS GLOBAL was invited to attend a high-profile gala hosted by former U.S. President Donald J.Trump. The event took place on Septembe

Notizia 2024-09-19
Eyes on Today’s BoE Policy Decision

Eyes on Today’s BoE Policy Decision

Market SummaryThe Federal Reserves monetary policy decision was announced yesterday, aligning with market expectations for a more aggressive rate cut. This bold move sparked significant volatility in

Notizia 2024-09-19
What to Watch Today

What to Watch Today

Market OverviewThe FOMC called for a 50 bps rate cut. This supersized cut issued a sudden burst of strength in demand for GOLD, but was quickly doused by FED Chair Powells remarks.Chair Jerome Powell

Recensione 2024-09-19
Today's Top Stories

Today's Top Stories

Market OverviewThe FOMC called for a 50 bps rate cut. This supersized cut issued a sudden burst of strength in demand for GOLD, but was quickly doused by FED Chair Powell’s remarks.Chair Jerome Powell

Recensione 2024-09-19
KVB Market Analysis | 19 September: Ethereum Rises Above $2,330 Amid Fed Rate Cut and ETF Outflows

KVB Market Analysis | 19 September: Ethereum Rises Above $2,330 Amid Fed Rate Cut and ETF Outflows

Product: XAU/USDPrediction: IncreaseFundamental Analysis:Gold prices fluctuated within the $2,550-$2,600 range during the North American session after the Federal Reserve (Fed) cut rates by 50 bps. Th

Recensione 2024-09-19
GTC Chief Analyst Jameel Ahmad Joins France24 | Inflation Data Spurs Volatility, US and EU Policies

GTC Chief Analyst Jameel Ahmad Joins France24 | Inflation Data Spurs Volatility, US and EU Policies

Summary: Global markets experienced significant fluctuations on Wednesday after the release of US inflation data. GTC Chief Analyst Jameel Ahmad highlighted that this week’s frequent market volatility

Notizia 2024-09-18
All Eyes on Fed’s Policy Today

All Eyes on Fed’s Policy Today

Dollar ceded while Wall Street stood pat ahead of the FOMC interest rate decision.Japanese Yen eases on soft trade data, boosting Nikkei higher. BTC reversed the bearish trend ahead of Feds monetary p

Notizia 2024-09-18
Today's Key Events

Today's Key Events

Market OverviewU.S. Core retail sales appeared lower than usual at 0.1%, while overall Retail sales appeared at 0.1%, better than the expected -0.2% but worse than last month's release at 1.1%.This we

Recensione 2024-09-18
Financial Forecast: What to Expect

Financial Forecast: What to Expect

Market OverviewU.S. Core retail sales appeared lower than usual at 0.1%, while overall Retail sales appeared at 0.1%, better than the expected -0.2% but worse than last months release at 1.1%.This wea

Recensione 2024-09-18
FP Markets Wins Treble at The Global Forex Awards

FP Markets Wins Treble at The Global Forex Awards

Following recent success at the Finance Magnates Pacific Summit in Australia earlier this month, multi-asset Forex and CFD broker, FP Markets, was presented with three coveted Global Forex Awards at a

Notizia 2024-09-18
GTC FX Shines Brightly at WikiEXPO Thailand 2024! A Global Perspective on Innovation

GTC FX Shines Brightly at WikiEXPO Thailand 2024! A Global Perspective on Innovation

On September 7th, the “Deeper and Richer—WikiEXPO 2024 Thailand” concluded successfully. Leading figures from the global financial industry, renowned entrepreneurs, and thought leaders gathered to sha

Notizia 2024-09-17
Today's Top Financial News

Today's Top Financial News

Market AnalysisGOLD - GOLD has stayed stagnant on new highs, with a high chance of showing a correction and a return lower. We wait for further trading before confirming market direction. The supply a

Recensione 2024-09-17
FPG Fortune Prime Global live at iFX EXPO ASIA 2024!

FPG Fortune Prime Global live at iFX EXPO ASIA 2024!

Were live at iFX EXPO ASIA 2024! Visit FPG Fortune Prime Global at Booth 112 and discover why we’re the right fit for you. See you there!

Notizia 2024-09-17
Dollar Under Pressure: Is a 50 bps Rate Cut on the Horizon?

Dollar Under Pressure: Is a 50 bps Rate Cut on the Horizon?

US Dollar Dips as Federal Reserve Rate Cut Looms – Investors are bracing for a possible 50-basis-point rate cut at the Federal Reserves upcoming meeting.Oil Prices Climb on Hurricane Disruptions in th

Notizia 2024-09-17
Your Daily Market Insights

Your Daily Market Insights

Market AnalysisGOLD - GOLD has stayed stagnant on new highs, with a high chance of showing a correction and a return lower. We wait for further trading before confirming market direction. The supply a

Recensione 2024-09-17
Dollar Ease While Gold Records All-time High

Dollar Ease While Gold Records All-time High

The dollar eases to a weekly low while Wall Street gains ahead of Wednesdays Fed interest rate decision. Gold surged to an all-time high on the weakening dollars strength.Market SummaryU.S. Dollar (US

Notizia 2024-09-16

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