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Dollar On The Brink, Job Data To Steer The Next Move

Dollar On The Brink, Job Data To Steer The Next Move

Monday, 2 December 2024, 17:00ISM Manufacturing PMI (Nov)Last month, the US economic activity in the manufacturing sector contracted once again, marking the seventh consecutive month of decline and th

Notizia 2024-12-02
Successful Management of Forex Trading Accounts: Core Approaches and Things

Successful Management of Forex Trading Accounts: Core Approaches and Things

The foreign exchange market is an evolving and frequently predictable business activity, and it presents substantial hurdles to both seasoned traders and those who are just starting out. The process o

Notizia 2024-11-30
A Thorough Lead to Selecting the Most Reputable Forex Broker for American Clients

A Thorough Lead to Selecting the Most Reputable Forex Broker for American Clients

Because there are so many different options accessible, it can be an difficult one to locate the top forex brokers for customers in the United States. Choosing a broker who is able to respond to your

Notizia 2024-11-29
Japanese Yen Strong on Heighten Likelihood of BoJ Rate Hike

Japanese Yen Strong on Heighten Likelihood of BoJ Rate Hike

Japanese Yen strengthened after Tokyo CPI came better than market expectation. Gold prices were buoyed by the recent lacklustre U.S. dollar. Eyes on today‘s eurozone CPI reading to gauge the euro’s st

Notizia 2024-11-29
DBG Markets: Market Report for Nov 29, 2024

DBG Markets: Market Report for Nov 29, 2024

Market OverviewGOLD - Gold remained stationary throughout the previous session, displaying a brief dip in strength before a sudden bullish surge in the current H1 candle. Despite this movement, price

Recensione 2024-11-29
Understanding Today's News

Understanding Today's News

Market Analysis GOLD - Gold remained stationary throughout the previous session, displaying a brief dip in strength before a sudden bullish surge in the current H1 candle. Despite thi

Recensione 2024-11-29
Today's Top Stories

Today's Top Stories

Market Analysis GOLD - Gold remained stationary throughout the previous session, displaying a brief dip in strength before a sudden bullish surge in the current H1 candle. Despite thi

Recensione 2024-11-29
KVB Market Analysis | 29 Nov: USD/JPY Declines on Tokyo CPI Surge and BoJ Rate Hike Speculation

KVB Market Analysis | 29 Nov: USD/JPY Declines on Tokyo CPI Surge and BoJ Rate Hike Speculation

Product: XAU/USDPrediction: IncreaseFundamental Analysis: On Friday morning (November 29), spot gold prices quickly rebounded from a daily low of $2,633.85 per ounce, reaching a high of $2,645.52. Gol

Recensione 2024-11-29
【MACRO Insight】 Global Precious Metals Market Analysis: Investment Prospects of Silver and Gold

【MACRO Insight】 Global Precious Metals Market Analysis: Investment Prospects of Silver and Gold

The recent escalation of the situation between Russia and Ukraine has triggered global investors concerns about the threat of nuclear war, prompting many people to seek investment methods to maintain

Recensione 2024-11-29


BUY GOLD 2610 and below target 2650SELLGOLD 2651 and above target 2620BUY EURUSD 10500 target 10575SELL EURUSD 10567 target 10480BUY GBPUSD 12626 target 12715SELL GBPUSD 12705 target 12600BUY USDJPY 1

Recensione 2024-11-29
Israel and Hezbollah accused each other of violating the ceasefire agreement, Putin said he was will

Israel and Hezbollah accused each other of violating the ceasefire agreement, Putin said he was will

Hot spot trackingThe U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission approved the first exchange to trade 5X23 hours a day. Good for U. S. stocks.Villeroy, ECB governing council: Inflation target is likely to

Recensione 2024-11-29
Analysis of today's market

Analysis of today's market

Gold extended its recovery from Tuesday's low, trading at $2,640 on Thursday. With the Federal Reserve expected to further cut U.S. interest rates at its December meeting, and as markets consolidate t

Notizia 2024-11-29
KODDPA Celebrates Its 4th Anniversary, AI Quantitative Trading Technology Reaches New Heights

KODDPA Celebrates Its 4th Anniversary, AI Quantitative Trading Technology Reaches New Heights

Recently, KODDPA celebrated an important milestone, its fourth anniversary. Since its founding in 2020, KODDPA has gradually become a key player in the fintech industry, thanks to its innovative tradi

Notizia 2024-11-29
AssetsFX Honored as the Most Trusted Forex Broker - Asia at WIKI FINANCE EXPO Dubai 2024

AssetsFX Honored as the Most Trusted Forex Broker - Asia at WIKI FINANCE EXPO Dubai 2024

Dubai, UAE – November 27, 2024—AssetsFX proudly took center stage at the WIKI FINANCE EXPO Dubai 2024, receiving the prestigious “Most Trusted Forex Broker—Asia” award. This recognition reflects the c

Notizia 2024-11-28
Exclusive Chilean Wine Tasting: Ushering in a New Chapter with GTC FX

Exclusive Chilean Wine Tasting: Ushering in a New Chapter with GTC FX

In the most unique and charming area of Santiago, Chile, GTC FX cordially invites potential clients and partners to gather and witness a harmonious and meaningful exchange.Chile, a country enveloped i

Notizia 2024-11-28
Beirman Capital Scam or Not? A Detailed Review of this Forex Broker and Its Legitimacy

Beirman Capital Scam or Not? A Detailed Review of this Forex Broker and Its Legitimacy

The forex market is known for its vast array of brokers, each offering a variety of services and platforms aimed at meeting the needs of traders worldwide. With so many options available, its not unco

Notizia 2024-11-28
Trading Commodities: The Ultimate Guide to Gold, Oil, and Beyond

Trading Commodities: The Ultimate Guide to Gold, Oil, and Beyond

If youre looking to expand into new financial markets, commodities trading might be an option worth exploring. Many traders are drawn to commodities like gold, oil, and natural gas due to their liquid

Notizia 2024-11-28
Duhani Capital Review: Trading Features, Accounts & Bonuses

Duhani Capital Review: Trading Features, Accounts & Bonuses

The Forex and CFD markets have become increasingly appealing options for investors looking to grow their wealth through online trading. Among the many platforms vying for attention, Duhani Capital has

Notizia 2024-11-28
Celebrate the Festive Season with PU Prime’s Christmas Promotion

Celebrate the Festive Season with PU Prime’s Christmas Promotion

Ebene, Mauritius – 28 November 2024 – PU Prime, a leading global fintech company in trading and investment services, is excited to announce a new Christmas promotion, bringing holiday cheer to traders

Notizia 2024-11-28
The decline of the US dollar supports a moderate rebound in gold prices The Federal Reserve remains

The decline of the US dollar supports a moderate rebound in gold prices The Federal Reserve remains

On Wednesday, due to investors cautious attitude towards Trumps tariff commitments, the US dollar index fell to a two-week low and ultimately closed down 0.75% at 106.07. The benchmark 10-year US Trea

Recensione 2024-11-28

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